Thursday, February 28, 2013

Discover with Yahoo: 500-Million-Year-Old Sea Creature With Limbs Under Its Head Unearthed. Who are intrested in this kind of study in Malaysia and who is willing to sponsor. What benefit we can get. Which professor will support this kind of proposal?

Scientists have unearthed a stunningly preserved arthropod, called a fuxhianhuiid, in a flipped position that reveals its feeding limbs and nervous system.
Scientists have unearthed extraordinarily preserved fossils of a 520-million-year-old sea creature, one of the earliest animal fossils ever found, according to a new study.
The fossilized animal, an arthropod called a fuxhianhuiid, has primitive limbs under its head, as well as the earliest example of a nervous system that extended past the head. The primitive creature may have used the limbs to push food into its mouth as it crept across the seafloor. The limbs may shed light on the evolutionary history of arthropods, which include crustaceans and insects.
"Since biologists rely heavily on organization of head appendages to classify arthropod groups, such as insects and spiders, our study provides a crucial reference point for reconstructing the evolutionary history and relationships of the most diverse and abundant animals on Earth," said study co-author Javier Ortega-Hernández, an earth scientist at the University of Cambridge, in a statement. "This is as early as we can currently see into arthropod limb development."
The findings were published today (Feb. 27) in the journal Nature.

Basic sciences, nature and creativity make world design and architecture competitive.

Marquis Dubai 
 Marquis DubaiMarquis Dubai

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Controversial section 15 of the University and University Colleges Act (UUCA), to allow students above 21 to be active members of political parties

Are they matured and intelligence enough to talk politic on campus or just puppet and followers?

Recycle to cycle a great idea need urgent support from first class thinking group. This idea was highlighted in Atlanta America on Aug. 30, 2012: "Universiti Putra Malaysia, Recycle to Cycle, to establish a campus recycling program and reward participating students with bicycles for transportation, encouraging conservation and exercise, Malaysia, $250,000." and New Straits Time on 28 October 2012. Thhis great idea was highlighted by international giant company coca cola and support financially and make it happen in Malaysia for the first time in the world, WHAT IS MALAYSIAN RESPONDED TO THE IDEA AND THE IDEA GENERATOR?


Tukar botol untuk sewa basikal

SEBANYAK 200 buah basikal disediakan pada peringkat awal kempen Recycle to Cycle diadakan.

KIRA-KIRA 60 orang pelajar Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), Serdang, Selangor berpakaian baju berwarna merah pada pagi minggu lalu. Mereka bersiap sedia dengan basikal masing-masing untuk dilepaskan.
Sebaik bendera pelepasan diangkat ke atas oleh Pengurus Besar Rantau Malaysia-Singapura-Brunei, The Coca-Cola Company (Coca-Cola), Gill Mclaren, para pelajar tersebut mula mengayuh mengelilingi kampus itu.
Bukan tujuan berlumba, perjalanan dari tempat mula iaitu di Jalan Tulang Daing mengelilingi kampus, kemudian balik semula ke tempat asal hanya memakan masa lebih kurang 10 minit dengan menunggang basikal.
Berbanding pelajar yang menaiki bas kampus, mereka terpaksa mengambil masa yang panjang dari waktu menunggu bas lebih lama daripada tempoh 10 minit untuk ke fakulti masing-masing.
Usaha menggalakkan pelajar berbasikal itu merupakan sebahagian daripada kempen Recycle to Cycle dengan kolaborasi UPM dengan Coca-Cola. Kempen Recycle to Cycle baru-baru ini juga bertujuan menggalakkan mahasiswa mengitar semula botol polietilena terephthalate dan tin aluminium.
Untuk mengitar semula botol dan tin, caranya mudah, para pelajar hanya perlu membawa barang-barang tersebut ke pusat kitar semula bagi ditukarkan dengan basikal untuk digunakan sekitar kampus berbanding mendapat wang.
Setiap botol dan tin yang dikitar semula akan diberi poin untuk dikumpul, kemudian ia boleh digunakan untuk menyewa basikal.
diperkenalkan untuk kemudahan kumpulan itu.

KEMPEN ini bukan sahaja mampu menarik orang ramai mengitar semula sampah, malah turut mengurangkan gaya hidup sedentari.

Semakin banyak poin yang dikumpul melalui kuantiti barang yang dikitar, semakin banyak masa yang mereka dapat menggunakan basikal di dalam kampus.
UPM mendapat geran sebanyak RM750,000 daripada Coca-Cola untuk menjalankan kempen itu yang merangkumi basikal sebanyak 200 buah sebagai permulaan dan pusat kitar semula untuk tempoh dua tahun.
Projek itu merupakan sebuah program yang lestari kerana semua barang-barang yang terkumpul akan dijual dan wang yang didapati digunakan semula dalam Recycle to Cycle.
Program dan pusat itu diurus oleh para pelajar dengan mendapat sokongan Jabatan Biologi, Fakulti Sains
“Projek ini merupakan yang pertama seumpama di seluruh dunia. Ia bukan sahaja dapat mengurangkan pengeluaran karbon di dalam kampus, tetapi mengurangkan gaya hidup sedentari (tidak aktif),” kata Mclaren pada majlis pelancaran itu.
Kempen tersebut dimulakan oleh sekumpulan sukarelawan dari Fakulti Sains dengan menjalankan acara santai bertujuan mempromosi amalan kitar semula dengan mengayuh basikal.
Setakat ini, aktiviti mengayuh basikal dan berjalan kaki lebih aktif di Fakulti Perubatan dan Sains. Kini, aktiviti tersebut telah dikembangkan ke seluruh kampus dan majlis pelancaran itu menjadi tanda ia dimulakan.
“Kami menyasarkan seluruh kampus akan menggunakan basikal dan berjalan kaki menjelang bulan September ini. Kami menjalankan kajian, masa yang diambil untuk berjalan antara dua buah kampus kira-kira dua minit,” terang Naib Canselor UPM, Profesor Datuk Dr. Mohd. Fauzi Ramlan.
Bagi merealisasi matlamat tersebut, pelbagai insentif kepada pelajar dibuat seperti bakal membuat lorong khas untuk berbasikal dan berjalan kaki.
Bagi wanita yang sering memakai baju kurung, basikal dengan kuasa bateri juga akan

DENGAN berbasikal, pelajar hanya mengambil masa lebih kurang 10 minit mengelilingi kawasan kampus.

Terdapat tiga bahagian diberi penekanan oleh pihak pengurusan UPM supaya matlamat tersebut dapat dibuat iaitu di kawasan residensi, akademik dan semua zon antara kedua-duanya.
Selain dapat mengurangkan masa perjalanan, menunggang basikal juga merupakan aktiviti yang sihat sekali gus membolehkan pelajar memberi fokus di dalam kelas dengan fizikal sentiasa cerdas.
UPM merupakan antara pusat pengajian tinggi yang sering mempromosikan aktiviti memulihara alam sekitar di Malaysia. Ia juga berada pada kedudukan keenam dalam kalangan 95 universiti dalam Ranking Universiti GreeMetric 2010.
Turut hadir pada majlis tersebut ialah Ketua Jabatan Biologi, Profesor Ahmad Ismail, Pengarah Komunikasi dan Ehwal Semasa Coca-Cola, Kadri Taib dan Pengurus Rantau Komunikasi Jenama Coca-Cola, Amanda Lin.

Another unique Idea accepted at the world level. Cocacola supprt the idea and first implementing in Malaysia-UPM

Coca-Cola, UPM cipta projek unik
Wartawan Sinar Harian
27 Februari 2013
Coca-Cola, UPM cipta projek unik
Gill McLaren dan Naib Canselor UPM, Prof Datuk Dr Mohd Fauzi melakukan upacara pelepasan program Recycle To Cycle di Serdang, baru-baru ini.
Coca-Cola Malaysia dan Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) bekerjasama mencipta projek unik dikenali Recycle to Cycle, atau Berbasikal Demi Mengitar Semula yang menggalakkan mahasiswa mengitar semula, mengurangkan pelepasan karbon dan menjalani gaya hidup aktif.

Pengurus Besar The Coca-Cola Company bagi rantau Malaysia-Singapura-Brunei, Gill McLaren berkata, projek itu sejajar dengan komitmen Coca-Cola untuk membina masyarakat mampan melalui pemuliharaan dan penjagaan alam sekitar.

Menurutnya, projek itu adalah pertama seumpamanya di Malaysia di mana ia menggalakkan mahasiswa untuk mengitar semula botol minuman dan tin aluminium sebagai pertukaran untuk berbasikal di kampus.    

"Pelajar boleh menyertai program itu dengan mengitar semula botol minuman kosong dan tin aluminium untuk mengumpul mata yang  boleh diguna untuk menyewa basikal.

"Botol dan tin itu akan dijual kepada pusat kitar semula dan hasil jualan akan dilaburkan semula ke dalam program tersebut untuk membolehkannya dijalankan secara berterusan," katanya.

UPM menerima geran berjumlah AS$250,000 (RM750,000) daripada The Coca-Cola Foundation untuk menjalankan projek Recycle To Cycle yang akan berlangsung untuk tempoh permulaan selama dua tahun.

Pembiayaan itu meliputi basikal dan peralatan, pusat kitar semula, bahan projek dan pelaksanaan keseluruhan projek berkenaan.

All must have a green thinking and action. Save, protect and conserve nature. Live harmony with nature. All political parties must talk on their commitment on nature conservation. This is what MNS (Malaysian Nature Society) demand from all political parties.

MNS Calls on all politicians to make a GREEN stand

26 Feb 2013

Date Issued: 26th February 2013

For Immediate Release



The Malaysian Nature Society (MNS) notes with serious concern the recent cases of environmental mismanagement that have been highlighted by the media, and calls on all political parties to pledge real action to halt unsustainable development.

The recent case of the 14 poisoned pygmy elephants and the continued widespread deforestation points to fundamental weaknesses in forest management in States run by both the ruling and opposition coalitions. In the upcoming general elections, MNS will encourage the public to support candidates and parties who pledge (within 100 days after elected to office) to rectify these weaknesses by putting in place the appropriate measures to ensure the following:

1) For state forest enactments to be amended to include mandatory public consultation prior to the excision of forest reserves;

2) All forest clearing and logging done within the Permanent Forest Reserves (PFR) and Stateland Forests must be in compliance with spatial plans and land use policies of the country (such as the National Physical Plan and the Central Forest Spine Masterplan);

3) Natural forests classified as Environmentally Sensitive Areas Rank 1 and 2 (as described under the National Physical Plan) should not be cleared. These areas include the steep land areas above 300m, water catchments, wetland areas including rivers, lakes and coastal mangrove forests, and protected areas. All the unsustainable and/or incompatible developments taking place in these areas must be stopped or removed to safeguard the environment and the country’s rich biological biodiversity, including protecting human life and livelihood.

4) Local communities must give their free, prior and informed consent to clearing and logging activities near their settlements, and in the case of indigenous communities, on their tanah adat (traditional land). Encourage and promote the
empowerment of such communities to take responsibility for using their forest wisely, through increased participation of stakeholders in the management of said forests.

5) Highways must not be allowed to cut through the protected areas such as national parks, states parks, wildlife reserves and protected forest reserves (including water catchment forest);

6) To halt the development of forest plantation in PFR with non-native tree species and agriculture crops, and to review current practice of establishing such forest plantation within the PFR;

7) To promote forest rehabilitation programmes, especially along road and river reserves, in urban parks, identified wildlife corridors and degraded forest areas;

8) The federal government must provide fiscal incentives for state government to comply with the national policy of maintaining 50% natural forest cover.

9) To be stewards and champions of wildlife conservation and promote strict application of legal provisions and penalties.

10) Moving forward, the role of forests in providing the ecological services and/or life support systems (quality water, clean air, flood retention, soil protection, refuge for biological diversity, etc) to grow our country’s economy (at national, regional and local levels) must be acknowledged, and as such, Regions / States / Districts with large forest areas need to be adequately compensated through ‘Payment for Ecosystem Services’

Much of Malaysia is covered by so-called ‘permanent forest reserves’ but present state enactments allow for such forest reserves to be excised without public consultation (with the exception of the states of Sabah and Selangor). In all states, the law allows for natural forest in Permanent Forest Reserve to be cleared for mono-culture tree plantations. In some States, the authorities have even allowed oil palm and rubber plantations to be set up inside these so-called Permanent Forest Reserves.

Much of the logging and development taking place is not in compliance with the zonation specified by spatial plans such as the National Physical Plan. Areas zoned as “critical linkages” for wildlife corridors are being cleared in violation of the Central Forest Spine (CFS) Materplan that has been approved by the National Physical Planning Council.

Furthermore, key sites that are identified as ‘Environmentally Sensitive Areas’ (ESAs) in local structure plans are often ignored when forest clearing and logging activities commence. State Parks, Virgin Jungle Reserves, Wildlife Sanctuaries, Water Catchment Forests and Coastal Mangrove Forests are also not safe from development, with an increasing number of highways and commercial development being established in these nominally protected areas.

Finally, MNS would like to draw attention to the fact that in order for sustainable development to take place it is necessary that the general public is consulted and their view is taken into consideration. In this respect, the rights of the local communities (such as the Orang Asal of Malaysia) are respected and their views taken into account prior to the commencement of land clearing or logging activities in areas nearby and/or on their tanah adat.

It is with these concerns above that MNS has decided to take a proactive stand today, to demand all politicians and political parties to make public their green manifesto commit towards the preservation of Nature and the Environment. MNS notes with concern that regardless of political regime or alignment, Malaysia's natural resources are still badly managed and consistently degraded and threatened. MNS hopes that the Malaysian public will support this important call to lobby for the conservation and protection of Malaysia’s natural heritage (focusing on biological diversity and sustainable development), and make the up-coming General Elections a truly GREEN ELECTION.

Monday, February 25, 2013

UPM started Recycle to cycle programme for better campus environment and promoting active life style.

Another rafflesia in Belum-Temenggor forest Perak. Malaysian Nature Society (MNS) is working hard to protect and conserve one of the oldest tropical forest in the world. Unfortunately the scientific information on rafflesia are still lacking. Why we do not allocate a special grants to promote research on our biodiversity. We need to promote interest among young generation for their generations. The process will take time and a lot of efforts.

Environmental Education (EE) is a continuous activities. Now Malaysian Nature society (MNS) already established good networking in EE by having a commited coordinators from all states in Malaysia. They supporting and helping MNS to run EE camps all over the country. The KPA programmes are one of collaboration projects with Ministry of Education, Malaysia. This time we are having a special workshop on hornbills conservation in Belum-Temenggor forest reserve. In 2012-2014 will be an aggressive promotion on hornbills conservation. All hornbills species in Malaysia available in Belum-Temenggor Forest Reserve. MNS expected all levels communities from Gerik, Perak to Jeli, Kelantan will have knowledge on hornbills, understand about the birds and support the conservation of hornmills in this among the oldest tropical forest in the world.

This workshops developed understanding, unity, spirit and modules on effecting teaching of hornbills conservation for the students. Besides we plan strategies to achieve the mission. The teachers/states MNS-KPA coordinators are very exited to proceed with next nature camps and workshops. We need a complete support from public and government.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Another conflict between wildlife protection and conservation, ecotourism, basic knowledge, coordination, management and concern. We just comfirmed that pygmy elephants died in Sabah because of pesticides. In Gerik Belum too might have similar problems if the authorities are not concern. Road sides vegetation were killed using pesticides and at the same time the areas are grazing place for wild elephants.

wildlife protection and conservation not just ceremonial and signing agreement but need to understand their biology and ecology in detail. Than easy for greedy human being to plan the development. We are talking a lot on sustainability BUT empty. Come together we save Belum Temenggor, Protect and conserve Taman Negara. Make nature protection and conservation ans one of the political agenda.


Not just watching raptors but think and understand how they migrate. May be one day we can go to Japan together with them, soaring and gliding. This is about nature, science, thinking, creative and innovation. All schools must have KPA (Kelab Pencinta Alam) and join me in MNS (Malaysian Nature Society)

There are a total of ten (10) different types of hornbills found in Malaysia, of which all can be found in the Belum-Temengor Forest Reserve. We need to understand their biology and ecology is we want to protect and conserve them for future generation. Education is very important and develop a political power in democratic country. Politician cannot just talking but must implement the policies if there is a public (votes) demand. BUT the votes must be educated first. Thats why professors and MNS (Malaysian Nature Society) must do!

Raptor Watch: MNS volunteers count birds started Feb 16 and will end on April 6 2013. Come to Tanjung Tuan Port Dickson on 10&11 March 2013. See by your self GOD creatures.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Statements alone cannot transfer what minister said. A lot more can be improve for truely edutourism centre. UPM BOLEH!

EDU-TOURISM highlighting the campus of the University Putra Malaysia (UPM) as 'Green Botanical Campus' has been declared as the first product in this year's national tour.
Tourism Minister Datuk Seri Dr. Ng Yen Yen said the declaration was in line with the ministry to develop and produce more innovative tourism products and creative Malaysia.
He said, edu-tourism will provide an opportunity for young people, especially students in UPM actively involved in this field as a tour guide and translator.

Whay they are happy? another support for green campus

What is in our mind should be translated well to the public so that we can share for the benefit of our society. Carbon foot print issues, green environment and active healthy life style should be started in campus. Educated people do public will follow.

The British, Singaporean and the American came to Malaysia to listen in person what Prof Ahmad will say about the globalisation of recycle to cycle. We start from UPM.
 On stage with the UPM Vice Chancellor are Gill McLaren the Cocacola Regional Manager, Amanda Lin CSR Manager from Singapore and Kadri Taib, Human Resource Manager Malaysia. Sitting (not in the picture; lower picture on right) Cocacola America representative.
Now what UPM think about Ahmad Ismail.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Raptor watch: an annual event organised by Malaysian Nature Society (MNS) attended by thousands of bird wattchers and nature lovers from locas and abroad.

Perjuangan yang Belum selesai: Mertabatkan ahli akademik dan skim gaji setimpal dan setaraf kesarjanaan mereka selari dengan sarjana antarabangsa.

ARKIB : 18/02/2013

MAAC mohon bela nasib ahli akademik IPTA
PADA masa negara melaksanakan transformasi nasional, nasib para ahli akademik di universiti khususnya di IPTA perlu dibela.
Amanat tahun baharu Menteri Pengajian Tinggi Malaysia (KPT) pada Januari 2013 baru-baru ini di Putrajaya telah menggariskan lapan perkara yang antara lain ialah merekayasa IPT, menjana ekonomi berinovasi, kualiti IPT, memperkukuhkan kebolehpasaran graduan, pemetaan baharu pengantarabangsaan dan pendidikan untuk semua.
Ini merupakan KPI bagi KPT dan IPT. Apabila amanat ini menjadi KPI, KPT dan IPT, maka pensyarah dan pengajar di IPTA perlu melaksanakan KPI tersebut agar ia tercapai.
Oleh itu ia menambahkan lagi kepada kerja atau beban tugas yang sedia ada walaupun insentif dan isu kebajikan mereka kurang menjadi prioriti dan diperjuangkan.
Ahli akademik di IPTA adalah sekumpulan insan yang jarang sekali kita dengar mengutarakan tuntutan mereka di akhbar atau media massa, seperti yang telah dilakukan oleh profesion lain di negara ini.

Happy R2C launching success

now launching later cycling


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Pelancaran Recycle to Cycle di UPM biayaan Cocacola Malaysia sebahagian dari usaha kampus hijau upm. Tukar buda kampus kepada aktif dan gaya hidup sihat.

Warga kampus UPM sokonglah kerana aktiviti ini adalah antara yang ulung di dunia. Recycle to Cycle. Selepas menjalankan recycle dihadiahkan dengan aktiviti berbasikal.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Basic reasons why we have this problem are simple: government concen, policy, rules and regulations, enforcement, public knowledge and awareness, knowledge on wildlifes, migration or roaming corridors, planters cooperation,.......Governmen policy, commitment and implementation are impotrtant.

Published: Sunday February 17, 2013 MYT 3:22:00 PM
Updated: Sunday February 17, 2013 MYT 4:03:53 PMBy STEPHANIE LEE

Experts say pygmy elephants died from pesticide poisoning

The 14 pygmy elephants which died mysteriously at the Gunung Rara reserves last month are likely to have died from pesticide poisoning, according to research carried out by the Borneo Conservation Trust (BCT). BCT found chemicals such as cyanide and sulphur at the site where the elephants were found, but is unsure whether the poisoning was deliberate. Cyanide could be traced to certain pesticides that are used to increase the growth of young oil palm trees, while sulphur is normally used by local hunters or Indonesian workers hunting wild boars at the edge of plantations adjacent to the forest.

If we understand and respect the nature we will have good laws and regulations, firm enforcement and continuously educate public, planters and workers. Make wildlife conservation as part of their activities not poisoning them through excessive use of pesticides and reducing their habitat or blocking their migtation path or roaming areas.

Conflict of leadership, power, knowledge, achievement, bully, and respect.

We need to put right person at the right place. People with knowledge and skills and very helpful not misuse power or showing off power by indirectly showing they are stupid.

A Conflict between Professional vs. Domestic Life? Understanding culture, work load, levels of profesionalism, technologies, and many others need to think of for better family life. Family is a micro nation structure.

The Vision Of Race Unity can be the Most Challenging Issue for harmony, democracy, economy and political stability: This is where academician, researchers and intellectual are important. Any research institute in Malaysia catering this subject? All stated from human right, religion right and culture right. We definitely need research to understand all rights including individual rights and public rights. That's why we have laws, international, national, regional and local. Lets the researches compete among them self intellectually to solve the conflicts and challenges.

Racism is the most challenging issue confronting many countries including Malaysia.  Progress toward tolerance, mutual respect, and unity need to be sped up and cannot allow any body to divert the progress. Country's unity is very important for future generation.  To ignore the problem is to expose the country to physical, moral and spiritual danger.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Good leader must have vision and accurate actions to achive the target. Not just use casting net.

Many leaders are just answer the question and filling the blanks for their superiors to see. So in many cases the act as using casting net.

Traffic flow in Klang Valley during Chinese New Year, Depavalee, Thaipusam, Christmas and Hari Raya measuring economic power, culture, tradition, habit and economic status of Malaysian.

Reporting Past Achievement not just reporting data or numbers but assessment of how many percents each target achieved, why not 100% and who, why, what caused failure. Kongress also setting whats new targets and expectation and how to achieve plus mission and strategies.

If the report is a business matters may be not suitable to report on the family matters, how many staff got headache, toothache or missteps while entering the office. May be it is important but no significant to the office performance. May be we have to analyse also our leader performance. Do they know what they doing and heading to or remind them that they are paid to progress the office. In real business, they must make profit if they want to stay longer at their position.