Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Internalisation of the University and KPI Dilemma

Sunday September 26, 2010
The KPI dilemma

Even as the debate on the relevance of world rankings to our public universities rages on, a third rankling argument has emerged: the race to be counted in international tables may be turning our institutions into research mills.

According to some local academics, the pressure to publish research papers – an important facet of the KPI in public universities – is creating an unhealthy intellectual culture.

Publication alone is not enough. Teaching and supervising of students, attending conferences and seminars, extension and dissemination of knowledge and new findings to the public (among others) make an academician complete. A lecturer must develop areas of knowledge and then teach it to students, and not rely on textbooks alone

Tuesday September 28, 2010
KPI rules for local universities is best solution
“The KPI dilemma”, “It’s not a mere numbers game” and “The lost road of academia”
That said, high-impact journal publications are definitely a necessity in the age of globalisation and their significance is made even more prominent given that Malaysia aims to be a regional education hub and a player in the global knowledge economy scene. the critical research presence of Malaysian universities is virtually non-existent internationally. DR YIN CHUN YANG, Shah Alam.

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