Monday, January 17, 2011

Power and Creativity of the FUTURE

The Secret Powers of Time

We certainly cannot underestimate the power of technology
We need to rewire young people brain in order to face future world or perhaps we need to redesign the world
If we look to our self we become busier this year compared to last year and before. We sacrifice a lot of friends, families and sleep

Do Schools Destroy Creativity?

This is a crisis of human resources. Before, we have the natural resources crises which end up with climate change.
Intellectual and culture and social movement are one of the effects of industralisation and environmental changes.
In the industrialisation era, marginalize many people is easier than develop and used all talented people. World need to be redesigned and curriculum in schools need to be reconstructed.
What kind of conceptual human essential needed? Do a simple survey among the young.
Now huge amount of money needed to clear up the mess that we have created.
We spending less money on higher education and knowledge development But we invest more money to clear up dysfunctions rather educated and develop talent.

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