Sunday, January 9, 2011

Young Malaysian millionaires

There are legends like Tan Sri Robert Kuok, Datuk Tony Fernandes and others locally. Abroad, there is Microsoft's Bill Gates. In China, there are many youths turning millionaires and billionaires too. They are a source of inspiration for others.

The spate of financial crises in recent years, particularly the last one which left a trail of retrenchments, has also prompted many to feel that being an employee is no longer the safest or best career option. Naturally, people start to think: why not be your own boss and master of your own destiny?

Advise from young millionaires:

1. Save money up to 50% of the income if possible.
2. In business follow this. It's just three simple steps: one -- have a clear plan on what you want to achieve in both the short and long term. Two -- execute your plan accordingly and make periodic reviews for improvements, and three -- stay focused and be passionate.
3. Wealth and success today is made possible through careful planning with God's blessing. Business is not for short term.
3. Acquire the skills, the technical know-how to handle your business and make it successful. Just like the other skills, public speaking was something that needs to acquire.
4. Think far and see things for the value that your friends can give you and able to handle changes.
5. Always be constantly thinking about how to do things better, faster, to innovate and create. It is very much a 24/7 ‘job’.

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